joanna66 : To Whom It May Concern
Please remove my profile, as I have found my soul mate because of your site
We are so grateful THANK YOU SO MUCH
Yours Faithfully
s peters : i will keep you informed about our progress for sure. we have even spoken about marriage. we are like minded people with the same values. once again thank you so much for sending him my way. God Bless.
mim101 : Hi, Thanks to you guys at Matchfinder I have met a fantastic partner and would now like to cancel my account and have my profile removed from the site.
Could you please advise me on how to do this. Thank you Miriam
moot : Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to meet each other on your site. The ability to initially flirt and then contact each other, whilst maintaining privacy gave us the opportunity to share each others desires and needs so that an initially bond could occur with ease. Furthermore, the ability to see each other visually, as well as membership, was the main reason behind the key to our success at this point in time on your site. Regards and best wishes... Moot
moot : Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to meet my soul mate and hopefully gain a long term relationship.
rucuriousiam : I am wanting to remove my profile and cancel my membership as i have met a wonderful lady i will be sharing my life with. I have enjoyed my time on your site it has been exciting and thankyou for promptly answering any of my enquiries, regards Shane.
shawn_elf : I have lots of new friends now & I have also found the love of my life. Thank you so much. :-)
cougar57 : I have found a partner and do not wish any further flirts or communication of any kind. thank You. The person I have teamed up with was found on this site, we have made arrangements to marry in the new year.
cougar57 : Heidi,
I confirm that the request is valid. My name is Rick. My newfound partner and I got engaged on July 26th and plan. to marry in April 2009.
susanlvr : Thank you for being an awsome site that is very easy to use,in just a week on your site i have met some-one AWSOME-he is in W.A i dont know how he got into the Newcastle list-in NSW but (we thank you very much for this error) i will keep intouch.Thank you. Susan
aussie girl 234 : I would like to say I have found my MATCH, was on this site I linked up with MY MAN. So to all out there be patient, be yourself and I wish you all luck in your search. I wont need to be on here now so Merry Christmas to all and the best to everyone in 2009. Thanks for your interest but for one reason or another it was not meant to be hey. I now can be a ONE woman for a ONE man. Take care and happy searching. Rhonda
fun 4 everyone : thanks for your time, i would like to be removed from your site as i have found somebody special.
happypom1960 : hello there please remove my profile and cancel my subscription, i have met someone now and i thank you.
gazboz : I am now in a relationship so can you please remove my profile from this site, thankyou
Ladyneedssomelovin : Please remove my profile as I have found a wonderful guy who loves me for who i am !!!! But thanks for the help your website is great!kar
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