warmheartedbear: I have found someone and no-longer need this site to look for anyone
1bigandy: Hi there, please remove my profile from this site as I have met someone. Cheers, Andy
waldofudd: met someone
bellablue: Please remove profile from site. I have found a partner
lisa2012: Have found a date. Would like to cancel account.
atoptool: found an awesome woman. thanks
pheonixhills: I am now in a relationship. Please delete my profile. Thank you
jojo2204: I am now in a relationship & no longer wish to have myself on yur website.
jayjays: have found someone
mel 1983: please remove my profile as I am now seeing someone
foxy lady: Found some one thanks
suze: I have met someone
hakawel: i find one, thank you
beanie115: found a lady
me 4 u: Please unsubscribe from this service.
I am in a stable relationship and do not wish my partner to see such emails.
gumble: I have found someone :)
mandy1950: Please remove my profile and photo as I have now found someone
imlookingfor: I have found some one please remove my profile
trevwc: I have met someone. Thank you.
jeremy58: Thankyou for your service. I have found a partner on Matchfinder and we will see what happens. Please remove my profile
elizbethjane1: I have met a lovely partner so no longer need your sites services - thanks though.
jack2432: have found someone thank you
shygirl19579: I have found my Mr. Right.
sophisticat: Dear Matchfinder
Could you please delete my profile as I have found someone! (Am having difficulty in deleting this myself).
Kind regards
kiamaia11: Hav a partner
mhelay: i already found the one for me..
orange sweet: i have faund my match
leo27: I have met a lovely man and so do not need to be on this site anymore
djsensei: can you please remove my profile, i have already found someone, thus do not need to keep looking
brenish7: have found someone
silverfox 222: thank you, have found a mate
pete the great: found my partner
scifineils: I have found someone.
surfer4u: Please remove me from this site as I have found a partner and no longer need this site
halez: hi can u pls remove my proflie becoues i have a boyfriend now thanks halez
chchdave: hi i would like to remove my profile as i have now found someone
whistlethroughlife: Please remove my profile as i have met someone and thankyou for the site it was great.
monpinky34: please could you remove my profile as i am now in a relationship thank you
nicechange: Have found someone so please remove my profile
mazzyg67: i have found someone special and no longer need this site. thankyou
leo81: Please remove my profile as I am now in a relationship.
pear: i-have-meet-someone-please-remove-profile
scuba_pete: Thanls for everything i have found someone and like you to stop sending me any mail or profiles thansk Peter
broometime: I have a partner thanks
white lily: I am now in a full time relationship and no longer wish to be on your web site. Thanks
washdup: I have made a contact and we wish to persue our common feelings for one another.
takingachance61 : I have met someone
wal 200: i had find my right woman for me...
thelink: thank you but i would like to be removed as i found someone
timstep79: Found someone
rayz: Hi
I would like to let you know I have met a most wonderful and loving lady on this site. We have hit it off and everything is great.
This proves that this site does work and I am gratefull that I have had the oppertuntiy of meeting the lady of my dreams and hope others will have as much luck as I
frankie78: I am now in a relationship so wish to be removed from this web site. Thanks
kiwirob: Thank you, I think I have found the one person for me, so will remove myself from matchfinder
kiwirob additional message: The site worked, as my new partner loved the photo of myself, and after a meeting over coffee, found out that we have the same close friends.
And now after a week of running around like teenagers, it is all good
And are going out to meet up with our friends as we have known each other for alot longer.
ann72: have met some one want profile removed
kiyoshi: Hi Please remove my profile as I have already foubd a partner. thanks
wendylee: Found someone!
juzzihawk: Found a partner
triumphboy: Hi, please remove my profile thank you as I hopefully have found someone special. Thanks for the help.
kiwifella: found someone
ruth55: Hi matchfinder
Thank you for your service. I am going out with a nice gent now and I would like you to remove my profile from your site.
Thank you Ruth55
modell: i have met someone
carol1962: Fouind my perfect match
carol1962 additional: Yes thanks so much I'm now dating kiwirob we found each other on your site ta very much for the good wishes for our future.
lillypad: please take me off asap please. I have a BF now. Thanks
foxy1964: have met someone please remove my profile
trina: Please remove my profile from this site. I have found a partner, thanks for the help.
sikas: Please remove me from this site I have found a match
kaykay: Hi Match finder, Could I please be removed from the site, profile, photo etc.
Thanx, I have now found my match. A thousand thanks for your input.
Kind regards, Kim Keogh
lonelyboyblue: thanking you , I have met s omeone
letsee111: I have got somoneone.
justcurious1: have met someone special.thanks
newbee3 : Ive found someone so please remove my profile
tallguy2004: found my match
nerissa: i have found someone and would like to be removed thankyou
polly0688: Thanks for your service, Ive met someone and its full steam ahead :-)
69mustang: heya, I have found a nice guy...please remove me from your site :-)
kass123: I have found somebody.
mass888: i meeting some one allredy . thank you
summer_breeze: met someone,
greendemio: i have found a partner
kimmydoor: please discontinue my membership, also canncel the direct debit details from your files.
i have met someone on the site and we are now engaged,which is wonderful.
please respond to my request asap.
k spencer
jay2000: i found some and no longer have to look anymore. thanks
donny10: Found a partner.
Thanks for help!!
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