cash68 : found someone & taking it slow. trying to be trust worthy.
yanren : Dear Matchfinder
Please remove my profile from the site as I have found my love and no longer need the online profile.thank you - Yanren
waterboy79 : Thanks for a great site, please remove my profile as my new partner n I dont wish it to be seen,Thanks
jackidee57 : I no longer require my profile to be visible as I am in a relationship...Thank you
jojo9 : have met someone and are in a relationship,plse close my account.
singlenix : I have met someone and wish my profile to be completely removed from this site please. thanks
spiderman666 : I have met someone offline
davide : Dear team,thank you so much for all of your help over the last month or so.I have met someone on your site and I hope it works out!If it doesnt I will be in touch thank you David.
stillunbroken : found the love of my life!
chris gt : I am now seriously involved with a lady and would like to take my profile from your site.. Thank you.
clickoncurlgirl : I have found someone and would like my profile cancelled immediately.
rose5252 :
zammit72 : please remove my profile from matchfinder as i am no longer searching for mr right and now engaged to be married thank you josie. Phone: 0404747558
peterm ohiwa : Please remove my profile from this site i have meet a lady not from here thou didnt find it that good til i was unsubscibed then i start getting flirt mesages an u carnt contact them. I may join again thanks for your help?
cupidbutterfly1969 : i have met someone
zac459 : I have meet someone can you please remove my account please.
slowhand4u : Found a partner
happygolucky68 : I am happy in love
whistler24 : I have found a date ;)
kody61 : Can you please remove my profile from this site as I am now in a happy relationship. Kind Regards, Kody
happydays1111 : have found a partner so will not need to remain member or recieve any emails or contact.enjoyed my time on matchmaker
mindy : I would like to be removed as I have now found a partner
cloesda : please delet my profile and acount coz iv found a partner thank u
ganet : hi, there, thnx for letting me join this site, but ya i no longer looking, regards lucia xo
kindly pls remove my profile from the site, once again thank you, best site ever. xo
westcoasttragic : i have met someone on another dating site
mark043 : found a partner thankyou
hotgirl2009 : Found someone
countrydrive : in relalionship
fish123 : Found some one an I thank you
collo73 : found someone allready
downtoearthreal : I found someone, please remove my profile.
thank you
sunseeker : hi ther,thanks for your help on this site,i have met a partner recently so would like to remove my profile ,,hope you all have a great xmas and knew year,,regards sean,,
deviousmind : Found true love
strigoi : i found love
new path : Thank you for your services but I have found a lovely partner and I wish to relinquish any membership or details on this site. Cancel permenantly.
Sandra Barrie
nickrozinante : Have found a soul mate
yellowriver : Thank you for finding a lovely lady
moo1234 : hey found someone from this site please remove my profile
lonelyboy54 : I have found someone
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