mossiev12:- Dear Karen,
thanks for the reply...and setting my records straight...I would like to thank matchfinder as I have met a lovely girl through your service and we have been together for 5 months search may well be over...once again thankyou .....regards Brett
Message sent Thu 15 February 2007 10.40 am
starlight:- Thank you very much for the opportunity to meet some very interesting people. I did find a terrific guy and do not need Matchfinders help anymore. Hopefully for ever !!
I do think that Matchfinder is a great way to find that perfect match.
Thanx Again !!!!
Starlight !!!!!
corowa13:- Dear matchfinder would you please remove my profile as I met a wonderful man back in august last year nowI have moved and live with him I would like to thank you and every one that looked at my profile thanks a heap.We have a few herdles to jump with one of his kids but our love for each other will cope
once again thank you and the male members that liked my profile thanks
CHEERS COROWA13 ..........
flip1966:- Thank you for your assistance I have now become involved in a relationship and am no longer on the market.
optimist777:- ***I have found a wonderful woman on this site and we have agreed to give it a go. Thanks to all who have messaged me and good luck with your search***
tina78:- Thank you for the oppt, to use this site. I have met a wonderful kind and loving man :) I feel like the richest woman in the world to have met this person as his intentions are to marry me :) Yippee!! Thanks again.
shazz63:- I have met someone on your site that I am now seeing. Thank you very much for all your help in finding the man of my dreams for me. I would recomend your site to anyone to try.
goodyear70:- Dear matchfinder
Thankyou for this excellent site. I have had a very successful contact through this site, and wish to be taken off, as I also have made other friends as well from this site. Thank you for this service Ian.
armynurse50:- I am letting you know I have found my new husband and we got married last sat the 21st oct. I met Martin on the site and would like to say thankyou to all the team there for making this possible. You have saved two lonely pensioners from a life without meaning. Thankyou again. We will be featured on Today Tonight Tuesday 24th oct. In Adelaide.
funluvn:- I met someone wonderful through this site a couple of months ago so no longer need to be listed. Thanks so much for providing such a fantastic service!
rachel2006:- Thank you for your service. I have found someone and am happy at the moment. I have enjoyed your site and have told others about it.
dibeeanne:- Hello, Just wanted to thankyou for the opportunity to meet the most amazing man. He is everything I ever dreamed of and more. It is amazing that you can meet a man in a million on a dating site. Once again, Thankyou
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