Commonalities May Lead to Long Lasting Love
Everyone has heard the saying that opposites attract. But it’s also good to have at least one or two things in common with your dating partner.
It doesn’t matter if it’s something that requires a lifestyle routine or just something that you do every year. Happy couples have a few things of interest that are shared within the relationship.
It’s not shocking that birds of a feather stick together. For instance, teachers like teachers, artists like artists and scientists like scientists.
When you have things in common, this gives you plenty of things to talk about. Even if your partner doesn’t really like your particular interest, they must understand why it means so much to you. In addition, they must give you the space to enjoy whatever you do. Hopefully, they won’t mind attending some of your events such as a book convention, computer conference or outdoor car show.
The following are a few examples of people who’ve transformed their interests into a lifestyle:
What is a Parrothead? This is someone who loves Jimmy Buffet. Becoming a Parrothead doesn’t mean that you have to know every Jimmy Buffet song. Jimmy Buffet is known for wearing Hawaiian shirts and living a laidback lifestyle that screams sipping on pina-coladas. There are plenty of Parrothead clubs all over the nation. Local Parrothead clubs generally attend Jimmy Buffet concerts and host fundraisers. They can be seen wearing shorts, sun visors and Hawaiian shirts even in the coldest of weather.
Harley-Davidson Enthusiasts (H.O.G.’s)
Most Harley-Davidson Enthusiasts are loyal to their brand of bike because it is made by an American company. They think that these are the best motorcycles on the road. Motorcycles have always had a special appeal to many people because they are considered to be so cool. For many enthusiasts, they represent freedom, a slight hint of attitude and the ability to go out on the open road. These enthusiasts normally hold various charity events and rides throughout the community. There are plenty of Harley-Davidson Enthusiasts who have hit the open road and driven across the country on their motorcycles.
These are people who love sci- fi movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. They are known for attending sci fi conventions and many of them own complete Star Trek and Star Wars television and big screen collections. They are extremely loyal and well publicized sci fi fans.
What does the future hold for these fans? Hollywood tends to release new Star Trek movies every couple of years. Many wonder if Star Wars fans will still continue to be loyal, considering that all 6 movie films have been released. Will they start to lose interest or stick around with hopes of new developments on the horizon? Who knows, but let’s wait and see.
Classic Car Enthusiasts
There are always plenty of car shows in the summertime. Car owners put a lot of time and money into restoring these cars for various car shows. Many of them spend months and years getting ready. It’s a hobby that allows them to show off their beautiful classic cars. Not only do they display their cars, but they love talking about the whole restoration process. In my area, there is a very popular car cruise that has around 1,000 vintage and muscle cars on display, and these cars are from all over the country. Some owners display multiple cars on the cruise.
History Buffs
There are many interesting time periods in history. Renaissance fairs have lords and ladies that are interesting to see, and the Civil Ware re-enactments with soldiers are fun to watch. There are plenty of Renaissance fairs across the nation with actors that wear full costumes. They stroll across the grounds speaking in true Elizabethan dialect. You’ll hear plenty of “thee’s,” and “thou’s” at these fairs.
But it’s all in good fun. Amazingly, a lot of these actors have incorporated many of these characteristics into their normal personal routines. There are numerous Renaissance-themed weddings and holiday celebrations across the country each year.
Look in your local newspaper and you’ll probably find ads for Civil War Weekend re-enactments. Actors are dressed in full uniforms and perform in ideal settings. Last year, an actor who plays Ben Franklin and an actress who plays Betsy Ross were married. Of course, the ceremony took place around July 4th.
There are tons of ways to conduct research on the aforementioned lifestyles. It doesn’t matter what you’re interested in. There is bound to be someone who loves doing the same thing. There are plenty of online niche dating sites to choose from. This is a wonderful way to connect with someone who shares your same interests. Start your own group if you can’t find a site that interests you. Maybe you like to collect specific antiques, but there isn’t an available site. You never know, shared interests could lead to an exciting happily ever after.
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