Mistake No 1: Overdoing the nice guy routine
It seldom seems that the best looking women go out with nice guys. How often do you find that the beautiful women go out with guys who are just so full of themselves, when they could have someone nice and attentive like you?
The fact of the matter is that the majority of women don’t tend to seek out nice guys. Instead, they look for men they are attracted to from a personality and confidence point of view.
Mistake No 2: Trying too hard to make her like you
All too often, men meet women they are really attracted to, but the feeling isn’t mutual. So, what do they do? They try to convince her of the error of her ways. But the fact of the matter is that you’re wasting your time. If she’s not attracted to you – that’s that. Nothing will change her mind. It doesn’t matter what you say or do, it’s a lost cause. No amount of chat or banter is going to change anything. Move on.
Mistake No 3: Trying to gain her approval
Because most men want to please their women, they go out of their way to gain their approval or permission. The truth however, is that women are not overly keen on men to try too hard to suck up to them. You should not just bull ahead without taking a woman’s feelings into consideration, but taking the lead rather than constantly checking out if it’s okay beforehand, can feel too condescending
Mistake No 4: You can’t buy love
Most men like to wine and dine their partners and buy them presents and maybe flowers. However, you mustn’t do this to try and win her affection. If you do you’re sending out a clear sign that you’re trying to buy her affections. If that affection is not there, spending money to try and change that is a sheer waste of time. You’ll end up looking weak and/or desperate, and as a result, she may even treat you with contempt.
Mistake No 5: Levelling with her about your feelings too early
When men are attracted to women they are often tempted to tell her how they feel about them straight away. Don’t do it! Pretty women are always being told by admirers how good they look, or how sexy. To them it’s nothing new.
If you join this band of wannabe admirers almost as soon as you’ve met, you’re just another one of the many. By holding back your feelings, you will actually mark yourself out from the crowd. Just relax and take it easy. It may even generate some intrigue.
Mistake No 6: Women are from Venus and men are from Mars
Sexual attraction works for women differently than for men. In this context women really are from Venus and men are from Mars. With men, the attraction to a good looking woman is instantaneous. With women however, initial attraction is not just about looks.
Women tend to be more attracted for example by how a man makes them feel. Triggering this feeling may be partly about looks, but it is more about how you use your body language. Blurting out your feelings verbally can seem cheap and crass; whereas using the right body language is far more subtle. It can engender the same feelings you are experiencing in her, but in an almost secret way.
Mistake No 7: It’s not just about looks and money
Don’t do yourself down because you think women are only interested in looks and money in their men. The few ladies who follow this path are far too shallow, and that doesn't make for good for long-term relationships. Most discerning women develop relationships with their men based on the man’s personality. Develop the right personality aura, and women will vie for your attention.
Mistake No 8: Don’t concede control to women
In mistake 3, we talked about not always seeking a woman’s approval. Another trap some men fall into is letting the woman seize control. Instead of leading and sharing in decision making, some guys try to curry the favour of their women by always doing what the woman wants. However, instead of the woman liking the man for this, she often feels contempt instead.
Mistake No 9: Being unsure what to do in certain scenarios
Women are much, much better than men at understanding body language. Take for example not knowing whether or not to kiss her at the end of the date. The problem is that the lady will have read your dilemma from your body language. If you then appear to dither and be uncertain, she will just write you off as a wimp.
It’s vitally important you know what to do in any given situation and that you set about doing it. This displays the confident side of your personality.
Mistake No 10: No man is an island
This is the most common mistake of all – not knowing when to ask for help. Some men think that asking for help is a sign of weakness. When the circumstances are right however, freely admitting that you need help is actually as sign of confidence.
If you look at it from the reverse point view – being afraid to ask for help is a sure sign of insecurity. No man is an island. If you need help – man-up and ask for it; from whatever quarter.
Dating for most of us is never that easy. But winning the prize in whatever it is you are doing is always worth the effort, and by following these ten top tips, you will win the woman you desire.
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