Have you ever wondered why some men dress so funny?
It is true. Whether they know it or not, some men just don’t know how to put an outfit together.
Perhaps attire is not at the top of your priority list, but when trying to make a good impression on others, it can be critical. This does not mean that you have to rush right out and buy a new wardrobe, but maybe it’s time to get the advice from someone in the know when it comes to looking nice, especially when trying to get a date.
Here are a few tips from Christy Taylor, cosmetologist and licensed aesthetician from Nashville,Tennessee, on what men need to consider in dressing for dating.
1 – Go to a men’s store and shop for a pair of jeans. They do not have to be designer jeans or cost an entire week’s pay, but they should fit properly. Go with a boot cut that covers your shoe laces. Ask a sales associate for their opinion on what they think. They will give you an honest opinion.
2 – The color of your belt should match the color of your shoes. If you do not have a brown belt, buy one. You may be ready for one, anyway. Belts can start to look worn and tired after awhile.
3 - It is not good to rely on only one pair of shoes. You can’t wear tennis shoes everywhere so invest in a pair of brown casual shoes and a pair of black casual shoes. Look at the Sketchers selection or New Balance for nice-looking shoes.
4 – Today’s style in dressy or casual shirts is to wear untucked. Pay attention to where is falls. If it covers your behind, it is too long. The perfect length is just below your hips. Button-up collar shirts look very nice with a pair of jeans and make an acceptable fashion statement almost anywhere.
5 – Men like their T-shirts and this is okay. A plain, short-sleeved T-shirt worn with a button down shirt and a pair of jeans is very chic. Vintage T-shirts are also acceptable and a great way to add distinction to a wardrobe. Logos, numbers and other paraphernalia look good and make for an individual statement.
6 – Don’t forget the cargo shorts. Cargo shorts are a necessity for any male wardrobe. They should hit right at the knee, no longer or shorter. Khaki brown or blue denim are popular styles that are worn with an assortment of T-shirts.
7 – If you can see your socks while walking, you need longer pants. In the case of wearing cargo shorts, buy ankle socks and never tube socks that rise over your leg calf.
8 – Keep a nice brown or black blazer in your closer, just in case. It can set off your basic outfit nicely without overdoing.
Christy has also made up a ‘Things Not to Do ’list.
1 – Never tuck in your shirt.
2 – Pants pulled high above waist is a no-no.
3 - You don’t have to tighten your belt to impress. It looks bad.
4 – Never wear tube socks with cargo shorts.
5 – Never wear dress shoes with shorts.
6 – Plaids and stripes do not go together.
7 – Leave the bright, flashy, Hawaiian shirts in the attic.
8 – Never, ever, ever wear pink.
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